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[filename].tsx (1159B)

      1 import React from "react";
      2 import { InferGetStaticPropsType } from "next";
      3 import { Blocks } from "../components/blocks-renderer";
      4 import { useTina } from "tinacms/dist/react";
      5 import { client } from "../tina/__generated__/client";
      6 import Layout from "../components/layout/layout";
      8 export default function HomePage(
      9   props: InferGetStaticPropsType<typeof getStaticProps>
     10 ) {
     11   const { data } = useTina(props);
     13   return (
     14     <Layout rawData={data} data={data.global as any}>
     15       <Blocks {...data.page} />
     16     </Layout>
     17   );
     18 }
     20 export const getStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
     21   const tinaProps = await client.queries.contentQuery({
     22     relativePath: `${params.filename}.md`,
     23   });
     24   const props = {
     25     ...tinaProps,
     26     enableVisualEditing: process.env.VERCEL_ENV === "preview",
     27   };
     28   return {
     29     props: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(props)) as typeof props,
     30   };
     31 };
     33 export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
     34   const pagesListData = await client.queries.pageConnection(); 
     35   return {
     36     paths: pagesListData.data.pageConnection?.edges?.map((page) => ({
     37       params: { filename: page?.node?._sys.filename },
     38     })),
     39     fallback: false,
     40   };
     41 };